
Who are we?

We are a nonpartisan group whose aim is to change the face of Australian Politics.
We are NOT a political party, and we are NOT associated with any political party.


The current state of our nation is one of segregation, discrimination and abolition of Human Rights.

We believe the current State and Federal Governments are culpable in destroying our way of life and robbing us of our freedoms. 

The way to overcome this is to take the power away from those who put us in this position.

We need to elect those who stand up for the freedoms of ALL Australians.


We are creating a platform at standupandvote.com.au to educate and empower you on how to vote.

We will be polling ALL candidates in ALL electorates on their polices and values when it comes to our freedoms.

You can then print your own how to vote card to take to the polling booths.

Now is the time to STAND UP for your FREEDOM, your FAMILY, your HEALTH and together, our FUTURE.


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